I'm really excited to share todays look with you all! Let's start with a little back story. I like to call this look "Beneath Your Beautiful". Inspired by the Labrinth song. I love the physical interpretation of stripping the mask of makeup off to see the inner beauty. errr sorta..... I decided to go for an intense glamorous pink for the eye look, to exaggerate the beauty that we are taking away. It's what's inside that really counts right? So let's jump in!
Starting with a clean face, I applied my go-to flawless foundation routine. We want all of the areas surrounding the zipper to look glowing and healthy. So follow your favorite foundation, bronzing, highlighting, brow routine!
(If you want me to post my every day face routine leave a comment below)
Then I sketched out where I'm going to be placing the zipper using a NYX Jumbo Pencil in Milk.
I then busted out my Urban Decay Electric Palette to create this bright eye look. Starting in a rounded shape all over the lid I used the color 'Savage'.
Following that I placed 'Urban' in the crease, outer corner, and along the lower lash line. Blending thoroughly. I then applied basic winged liquid eyeliner.
Failing to take a close up photo, I applied some dramatic false lashes with small gems on the side. We really want to accentuate the bold and feminine eyes. Now onto the fun part. THE ZIPPER! You can get a plain zipper like this at any craft store.
I then applied spirit gum along the line we sketched out earlier, let that get tacky for a moment, and laid down the zipper. Around the parameter of the zipper I took a few layers of liquid latex to smooth the edges into my face, as well as help the zipper to stick down better. I also trimmed the fabric edges of the zipper and applied liquid latex to those ends. While that was drying I gently filled in the inside section with a few shades of red and brown cream paints to add dimension to the blood we will be applying later. I used a few Ben Nye shades, but you can use whatever you have on hand.
This step is a combination of fun and disturbing. I placed a thin patch of liquid latex on a section, and then shredded bits of a cotton round and placed them over. Once the cotton stuck I covered it with another layer of liquid latex to create the mess you see above. This will give us some truly gory and disgusting texture once we cover it.
Then I simple covered the cotton with the same red paints we used earlier.
And finally ADD BLOOD! I used a combination of Ben Nye Stage Blood and another blood gel I had on hand. I also took the blood down my neck to really complete the look.
Optional: Here I shaded around the parameter of the zipper with some bruising colors for extra gore, but I almost ended up liking how it looked before the bruising better. So you can decide which you like better and go from there.
And we're done!

Thank ya'll so much for reading, and dealing with my creepy face! Let me know what other looks you would like to see in the comments below.
I love this, more please!