Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sick day must haves!

There is absolutely nothing pleasant about being sick. As I'm currently ever so dramatically lying in bed writing my will over a cold, I thought I would share with you guys the things I keep around to make it just a little better.

If you want to read the rest of this post just click read more!

Hello lovelies!
There is sickness going around, and I hope you're all well, but if you've had the unfortunate luck to get it with me....Let's make the best of it!

My first must have when i'm sick is LIP BALM! Everything dries out when you're sick and this you can just keep piling on from the comfort of your nice soft bed.
This one is by Jack Black which is my personal favorite, and it's available at Sephora

The next two products keep with the theme of moisturizing.
My skin gets so dry and uncomfortable, especially with all the nose to tissue contact, so this is so necessary.
I'm generally not wearing makeup when i'm sick (unless I have to) but I will still put on my daily moisturizer morning and night just to maintain that skin we work so hard on every other day.

This moisturizer is by clinique, which is a personal preference so just use whatever works for you!

Last in moisturizing is eye cream! This step is a little less necessary, but I find it very helpful. Especially because we all know the day we're feeling better we're going to want to jump back into the world and catch up on all we've missed. Just because you don't feel sick, does not mean you won't still be looking sick. So this helps avoid the hot mess Ihaventsleptbecauseicantbreatheoutofmynoseandmyheadhurt look.

You can get this one from Kiehl's


 No one wants to stare at the wall while you're condemned to your bed, so I neeeed my netflix! I catch up on everything I can't justify setting time aside for the rest of the time.

And though this show is not on netflix, i'm currently catching up on the last two seasons of Face Off. If you're not familiar it's a competition show for makeup and special fx artist for creating awesome movie monsters, and i'm obsessed.

As much as much fun as the movie and show watching can be, I will always be a book lover at heart. My favorite book of all time is A million Little Pieces by James Frey, and it has so much re-read value for me. Your favorite book never gets old! So whatever yours is, just keep in next to the bed for a relaxing read.

And gatorade, because I like gatorade.

Now, heaven forbid you have to actually leave the house while you're sick. This is how I mildly put myself together. I know, i'm not fooling anyone but at least they can't see just how rough I really am looking.

Clothing wise, stay comfortable. The things i'm about to talk about are not for occasions where you need to look nice, just socially acceptable. Sick but not looking like you're going to infect them and everyone they've ever loved with some horrible flesh eating virus, you know?

My natural hair is pretty out of control, so to tame it down i'll usually just throw on a cute beanie. I love beanies any time but it's especially great to avoid trying to heat style your hair while sneezing (ouch)

This beanie is by Neff

If you're not a beanie girl, braids are also a great easy option!

Next for me is a sweater. I am aaaaalways cold, and sickness just multiplies that. So a nice big sweater can make it feel like you never got out of your pajamas and keep you warm at the same time. Zero effort, but they'll never know.

This one is just from forever 21 and it's only $12 so you don't have to feel bad about getting your germs all over it!

Makeup wise, I do not have the energy to do much, so the goal here is covering, and doing it quickly.

I like to use a concealer instead of covering my whole face in foundation. When everything is already gross feeling and uncomfortable, liquid foundation can be pretty bothersome.So i'll just pop a concealer on in the places I need it and then powder it down and be done with the face.

This one is the Nars radiant Creamy Concealer, because it's nice and brightening. Available at Sephora

Next is putting a little color back in our face. Emulate the health.
I love using down boy by the balm, because it's just a natural healthy pink color.

You can get it on The Balm's Website here

Lastly I like to just throw on sunglasses to hide away from the world, instead of putting on eye makeup. If you wanted to, you could throw on some mascara under these just in case but they should be fine on their own. No effort, no problem!

I got these super cute heart shaped ones at forever 21 a while back for just a few dollars.

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