Friday, February 6, 2015

January Favorites!

*Casually ignores the fact that I never blog*

Hey guys! In honor of the first month of 2015 I thought I would tell you guys about my favorite products from the start of this lovely new year.  I want ya'll to tell me what YOU have been loving this month in the comments below!

Nars Sheer Glow foundation

I recently took the HUGE step of changing my every day foundation. Yes this is a very big deal to me. I had been using the Urban Decay Naked Skin foundation for probably 2 years, which in makeup is forever, of course. Now I still have a passionate love for that foundation, but I was feeling like trading it in temporarily for a more full coverage winter foundation. I have dry skin so the "glow" in this foundation makes my skin look super healthy but it does not have any sparkle/glitter in it (why do companies ever do that to foundations, ew).  So yay for glow without discoballface.

Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette

Not much I even have to say about this, ya'll know what's up. I'm loving the pink - plum colors, because they go super well with the thing i'm going to talk about next which isssss....

Dark lips

This is a little more general, but I have been obsessed with dark lips. I love just putting on some light eyeshadow, winged liner and some inteeense lips. Some of the colors I have been wearing are
Buxom- Menace
Rimmel - Bordeaux
OCC - Black Dahlia
Hourglass  - Icon
J Cat wonder lip paint - Red Potion

and anything else I can get my hands on.

Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder

Everyone has been loving these, and before I tried them, I really did not believe they did anything (other than cost too much). I have been converted. I have the color Etherial light because I am mega pale and it looks the best on my skin tone. It is the most natural no glitter glowing highlight around. Your skin looks healthy, glowing, and imperfections just seem to be blurred. 10/10 worth the price.

Tarte Lights Camera Lashes

This is a rediscovery of an old favorite. I got a mini as I believe a 100 point perk from Sephora, and I am in love....Seriously. At this time it's feeling like the greatest mascara to ever grace my lashes, but I kinda always feel that way about current favorite mascaras. So rediscover guys! Try those things in the back of your drawer, and find some hidden gems.

Random favorites:


Oh my goodness. How am I so late to this party? Like I must have been sitting on 101 traffic to be THIS late for something so amazing. I think I was just rebelling against the popularity but screw that. They have EVERYTHING. So now I'm addicting and all of my free time is gone:/
If you wanna follow me and see what i'm pinning you can head on over to

Bright Eyes

New thing for the blog: Artist of the month!
This month's artist is Bright Eyes. Nothing new of course, but I've been loving the band this month like crazy. I'm strange and absolutely love sad sounding music, and it doesn't get much sadder sounding than Bright Eyes. If you haven't heard the song Lua, you must. 

And last but not least, a new look! This month I died my hair a muuuch darker brown and I am so happy with it. I've always gone lighter with my hair, so I was definitely in need of some change. Let me know what you guys think!

Also for more ridiculous trying to hard selfies like this one you can follow me on Instagram

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you had a wonderful month. I'm going to do my best to start blogging again whenever possible, so I hope ya'll are still with me!

- Saige

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